Monday, March 24, 2008

Wine into water is nothing compared to this

The title exaggerates, but this guys invention is amazing. Thanks to Stephen for having him as a guest.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Film casts Colbert as President

IFMagazine: ". . . [Stephen] Colbert will play the president of the United States of America in a story which harkens back to 1950's monster movies, though Monsters Vs. Aliens is a modern-day comedy and will be produced in Ultimate 3-D technology, a first for DreamWorks." Due for release March 27.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Brave new marketplace

Author Gregory Rodriguez Goes to where the people are:
"...Comedians help us reach so many people who otherwise would never have stopped to consider our work. You didn't sell out, because you didn't change your message. You just went to where the people are." - Los Angeles Times

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

He is America & so can I

Yesterday, I purchased Stephen's book, I Am America and So Can You, on the strength of the hilarious cover, and 10% Discount at Rosettacana Books. I slept with it under my pillow last night, hoping to grok the contents as I slept, but got bed-head instead. I will try giving the book its own pillow.