Thursday, February 28, 2008

Is there really a 'Colbert bump'?

A study by a political scientist at UCSD ir reported in the LA Times: Sharing the wealthiness:
"Republican candidates who appear on the show don't fare any better -- if anything they might actually do a little worse than their fellow Republicans who stayed home. However, Democratic candidates who appear on 'The Report' receive 44% more money than those who do not in the first month after their appearance. We no longer have to rely on the gut or Wikipedia -- the evidence speaks for itself.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she wouldn't recommend anyone go on 'The Colbert Report,' but these results show that Democrats who ignored her advice probably did themselves a favor. For Democrats, the 'Colbert bump' is financially measurable, and it may be just what they need to keep control of the Congress in 2008." -

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Friday, February 8, 2008

Colbert wows gay crowd

Stephen's interview with the HRC's Joe Solmonese gets 2 snaps up from After Elton blog.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Latino commercial for Ron Paul

YouTube - Stephen Colbert makes Latino commercial for Ron Paul.

Welcome to Colbertdale

I had a bit of fun in my Carbondaley Dispatch blog, with an idea to rename the City of Carbondale to "Colbertdale" after Stephen -- because he is 'the father' of the "Paducah-Carbondale Corridor" a phrase he jokingly coined in conversation with singer Randy Newman months ago. The idea was (and still is) to rename the City for one day. Then print tee-shirts proclaiming "I Slept in Colbertdale, Illinois" and the date. A fun(d)raiser for the Jackson County Stage Company.

But people really disliked the idea. And one reader even offered to pay me $20 to stop writing about it in the blog. So I relented, and the grateful reader promised to send $50 to the Stage Company, which is an interesting fundraising approach.

But I didn't say I'd stop writing about it altogether. I am intrigued by the legal process by which a City changes its name. I don't expect it to happen, but ya never know what other good can come of trying.

So I suggested (in my blog) the City rename a street in Carbondale, "Paducah-Carbondale Corridor Avenue (which doesn't exist in reality, only as a joke of Stephen's.) I realize it's a mouthful, but that's part of the fun of it.

Tomorrow I am meeting with the Mayor of the City (pictured in the top left column photo) to learn what is possible and feasible -- and what isn't.

I'll keep this blog updated, but the Carbondaley Dispatch readers will not be up to speed, unless they read this blog.

Adorable waterboarding?

Raw Story video shows Monsieur Colbert finding something adorable in waterboarding, if the head of terrorist was graphed onto the body of baby giraffe :
"Just switch out the giraffe's head for a terrorist's, stuff a rag in his mouth, and put the bottle up his nose. Suddenly waterboarding seems kind of adorable."

Who 'made' Huckabee settled with fisticuffs

This was a bizarre Marx Brothers-style fist fight with props between our man Stephen and Jon vs. Conan O'Brien, that turned into a free-for-all. I saw it on YouTube, and the Associated Press and others have reported: Colbert, Stewart & Conan Unite in TV Feud.

Monday, February 4, 2008

He is America and So can She

"A girl with a weakness for dark-haired men wearing glasses will inevitably fall for Stephen Colbert" writes NonAnon let's talk Stephen Colbert for a moment: "There’s just something about Colbert that plays better in spoken format."

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Colbert Report Chosen "Best Live Entertainment"

E! News - Producers Guild of America: "the 19th annual Producers Guild of America Awards . . . recently chose Colbert Report as "the Best Live Entertainment/Competition Program, beating out The Amazing Race, Project Runway, American Idol and Real Time with Bill Maher."

Friday, February 1, 2008

The 'Colbert Bump' is Real sez Juice Analytics

The Colbert Bump is Real, : "being on the Colbert Report increases sales by 10 times on average."

But "Colbert’s Nation is not what he thinks it is. . . . Liberals and high-minded egg-heads do better than popular or conservative books."